Tag Archives: Issue 1

Inspiration: Calming Manatee

4 Aug

Feeling a little stressed? Do you have the weight of the world on your shoulders? Can no one help during this difficult time? If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to these questions, first of all, check out Becky’s post about dealing with stress, and if that doesn’t work click here.
Wasn’t that nice? A lovely, calming manatee, ready to tell you what to do, and that more importantly, you CAN do it. Over on the official tumblr you can tell the manatee of your troubles and woes, and it will respond to you, giving advice and positive thoughts.

photo from here

It can be used as a wonderful little pick-me-up, or at the end of a truly horrible day, can make you feel calm, relaxed and optimistic about what tomorrow may bring.

So don’t be too hard on yourself and let the Calming Manatee help you through life, love and anything else life throws at you. Who knows, maybe the manatee knows why the question to life is 42…

Girl Fucking Power: A Playlist

3 Aug

Ah, girl power. Just saying the words makes you feel better. Girl power. Go on, say it with me: girl power. Grrrl power.

Being the 20 something that I am I was introduced to girl power via the Spice Girls. I was pulled into a world where friendship meant everything, [which it does] girls were just as tough as boys and one day, you too could own a Union Jack bus. You may think it’s sad to say this, but the Spice Girls were my first taste of feminism.

SWAG. photo from here

Fast forward a few years and it was all about the mighty force that was Hole. This was feminism on a whole other level- there was so much conviction and aggression in their songs, so very different from the bubblegum pop of the Spice Girls. This was a world where relationships were messy; people screwed you over and judged you for the littlest things. But it sounded so good and I was smitten. [True story: Doll Parts was the first song I learned to play on the guitar.]

So, this here is the very best in girl power. It spans a number of genres, decades and vocal ranges; from Aretha Franklin’s soulful anthem ‘Think’ to Amanda Palmer’s phat beatz on ‘Map of Tasmania’, this mix is influential, rebellious and loud. It is here to inspire and educate, to make a statement and to dance badly to. Burn it to a CD or copy it onto a tape, [does anyone remember those?] turn it up loud, get your girls over and ROCK THE FUCK OUT.

  1. Hole- Violet
  2. Patti Smith- Gloria
  3. Mika Miko- I Got A Lot
  4. Nikki Lynette- Shut The F Up Boy
  5. Heart- Kick It Out
  6. Kimya Dawon- Loose Lips
  7. The Distillers- Hall Of Mirrors
  8. HorrorPops- Freaks In Uniform
  9. Bikini Kill- I Like Fucking
  10. Sick Of Sarah- Overexposure
  11. The Noisettes- Don’t Give Up
  12. The Slits- So Tough
  13. Amanda Palmer- Map Of Tasmania
  14. Sleater-Kinney- Oh!
  15. Joan Jett- Bad Reputation
  16. Areatha Franklin- Think
  17. The Donnas- Take It Off
  18. Cyndi Lauper- Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
  19. Spice Girls- Wannabe

About the writer: Daisy is an irregular photographer, wannabe writer and full time female. In between tea and toast breaks she spends far too much time on the internet blogging, tumbling and tweeting. She is unapologetic in her love of the Spice Girls.


1 Aug

Be inspired…By a Paralympian.
Par·a·lym·pic Games
plural noun an international competition for physically disabled athletes.

Okay – I’m going to admit it: I HATE THE OLYMPICS. I couldn’t care less; I’ve been rolling my eyes through every conversation, about the London 2012 games, which I have had to endure for the last few months. I know this opinion may seem ignorant or blind sighted because as it was put to me once ‘the Olympics are a time to see all that’s great in the world and mankind coming together’. Well, honestly, I thought that was a little dramatic and a perhaps a bit stupid too but it definitely got me intrigued and sparked a small secret mission of mine to see what the actual fuss was all about.
Now I have definitely not found THE answer as to why the Olympics are so important to so many, but I have managed to stumble across so many smaller and really cool reasons as to why they have such a place in the hearts of so many.

Nowhere near as much hyped about as the Olympics but part of London 2012, and all Olympic games, is the Paralympics (competition for disabled athletes). Now this is something I can get into, this is gripping and hey I might even go as far to say a showcase for ‘All that is good in the world’.

I’m someone who really gets out of breathe after walking quickly to the kitchen for a biscuit – so to think a physically disabled person could say swim 50 metres or compete in an Archery tournament whilst not being able to use their legs absolutely astounds me – and both achievements I’ve found out a lady called Margaret Maughan did with ease.

photo from here

In 1959, at the age of 31, Margaret Maughan was involved in a car accident which left her in a wheelchair BUT AMAZINGLY in 1960 she was winning Gold for Britain in the Rome games.

She won two gold medals during the competition and was the first British person to do so EVER! She was an Archer by sport (think Robin Hood, but real!) but also entered the 50 metre swim and came away with Gold in both. She swam for team points for GB as no competitors had entered. Speaking recently with Channel 4 she said ‘I daren’t even tell you how long it took me’ and that it was not the medal she was proud of, quite obviously. Margeret had never swum 50 metres before, even before her accident and it actually took her 1 hour and 49 minutes. That’s one length in a standard pool. I’m still completely astonished.This secured her a place in sporting history, but not only this but there’s also the fact that she was also an incredible Archer whilst being a full time disabled teacher with the opurtunity to practice just once a week. What a woman.

I think it’s so important to have people to inspire you – and which allow us to believe that there’s nothing in our way, no dream in unreachable and nothing to much trouble. I know now that I will be watching some of the games this year, with admiration for the dedication and the achievements made by all of the athletes. I’m especially looking forward to the Paralympics (being broadcast on Channel 4, unlike the Olympics on BBC).

If there’s any women that you’d like me to look at for next time, please get in touch with me on twitter (@craves) or email the editor a yellow.bunting@yahoo.co.uk. I’d love to hear who inspires you.

N.B I’m also heavily influenced by Beyonce and my love for her will become clear very soon, I’m sure of it.

About the writer: Tahnee (say it Tar-Knee) is an English Literature graduate and works at a theatre in Cardiff where you’ll generally find her getting misty eyes over some new piece of writing. One day she’ll be the director of the Royal Shakespeare Company but until then you’ll find her writing for Yellow Bunting, mooching around second hand books shops and eating cake. She occasionally tweets too.

Recipes: Chocolate Sponge

30 Jul

Hello! Isn’t this exciting? The first issue of Yellow Bunting is here at last. Before I get properly started I just want to explain what we’re going to be writing about in the recipes section. Unsurprisingly there will be recipes (!) but I’ll also be talking about healthy eating – it’s not all salad I promise – and about the role food plays in our lives. Whether you’re an enthusiastic cook or a total beginner I hope that you’ll enjoy this section and that it’ll tempt you to get into the kitchen.

Shall we start with chocolate cake? It seems like a good place to begin – you don’t win friends (or readers) with leafy greens after all.
Some of you are probably thinking “didn’t she just say she was going to write about healthy food?!” which I did and I am. Here’s the fun part though; I count chocolate cake as health food! Okay, that’s a bit of an exaggeration but I do think that there’s a place for chocolate cake (and crisps and biscuits and whatever else you fancy) in a healthy diet. Particularly on special occasions (which this is – Happy first issue of Yellow Bunting!)

Whoever first said “everything in moderation” had it spot on. I don’t eat cake every day, even I haven’t yet worked out a way to justify that as healthy (but believe me I’m trying). But if I want some cake I’m not going to feel like I’m being unhealthy if I have a slice (or two). Think of it like a jigsaw puzzle; you can’t work out the whole picture from one piece, likewise you can’t judge the way someone eats as healthy or unhealthy based on one slice of chocolate cake.

When I was googling for cake recipes one of the results I got was “five guilt-free recipes to combat your chocolate cake craving” with things like chocolate mousse made out of avocado and cocoa powder. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think avocado mousse is going to combat any cravings (apart from, perhaps, a craving for avocado mousse and I’m not convinced that anyone ever craves that). Not to mention I’d probably feel quite guilty subjecting my taste buds to avocados when they wanted chocolate cake.
I only have one recipe for you today, but I promise it will combat your chocolate cake craving in the way that only chocolate cake can.

Chocolate Sponge

This is a fairly plain chocolate sponge cake but it’s one of my go to recipes for birthday cakes (and magazine launch celebration cakes!). The recipe below is for a double layer cake, although as you can see in the pictures I halved the recipe for a single layer. If you need any clarification on any of the steps in the recipe just ask in the comments, hopefully over time I’ll be able to get some articles up covering some of the basic techniques in cooking and baking.
50 g cocoa powder
6 tbsp boiling water
100 g soft butter
300 g caster sugar
3 free-range eggs
175 g self-raising flour
1 rounded tsp baking powder
4 tbsp milk
1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)

Preheat the oven to 180°C/Gas 4 and grease and line two 8-inch cake tins with baking parchment (or well greased greaseproof paper). Most recipes tell you to use butter for this but I prefer to use a flavourless oil such as sunflower or vegetable.
In a small bowl or mug mix the cocoa powder with the boiling water into a smooth paste. Leave to one side.
Cream the butter and sugar together in a large bowl until light and fluffy. Add the eggs bit by bit, beating continuously. Once the eggs are all in add your cocoa and water paste to the mixture and beat in well.

Your mixture will be full of tiny air bubbles which help give structure to the cake once it’s cooked. Sift the flour and baking powder into the bowl and mix them in, trying to be as gentle as possible to keep the air in the mixture.
Mix in the milk (and the vanilla extract if using).

Divide between the two tins and bake for 25-30 minutes. When it’s ready it should feel firm and bouncy when you poke it, you can also test by inserting a skewer or cocktail stick into the centre of your cake, it should come out clean with no raw batter attached.
Once cooked remove the cakes from the oven and leave to cool on a cooling rack in their tins. After about 20 minutes remove the cakes from their tins and leave them to cool further. Meanwhile get on with the icing…

60 g butter
75 g cocoa powder
350 g icing sugar
80 ml milk
1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)

Melt the butter (the microwave is easiest), and mix in the cocoa powder. Beat the icing sugar and milk (and vanilla extract) into the butter bit by bit (add all the icing sugar at once and you’ll end up with a cloud of sugar over the kitchen!) Once the icing is smooth it’s ready to go onto a cool cake – never ice a hot cake!
I would normally do a layer of icing between the two cakes and a layer on top. Jam is a nice addition between the layers too; raspberry or cherry are my favourites!

About the writer: Catherine is a biology geek by day and cake baker by night. When she’s not in the kitchen you’ll be able to find her writing, tending to her tomato plant or curled up reading one of her many cookbooks.

Music For Your Mood

28 Jul

Whatever mood you are in, music always helps. I personally am always listening to music, I’ve even been known to sing in my sleep! I can think of nothing better when I’m upset then a little bit of Miley Cyrus – The Climb to cheer me up. But sometimes you don’t want to be cheered up, so what do you listen to then? So this article is about the right kinds of music for YOU, and how YOU feel, not what society tells you to listen to. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a sucker for the charts, but don’t you ever just want to listen to someone tell you it’s okay to be depressed rather than listen to someone tell how good they are in bed, or how sexy they are? Or even want to know the best tunes to keep you in that amazing mood you’ve been in all week, or the best songs to get ready for that big night out in town to? Then this is the place for you.

photo from here

The “I’m Sad, Someone Be Sad With Me!” Mood.

Everyone has these moods, so you need to know the right songs to sob along to. Some of my favourite more famous ones have to be ‘All By Myself’- Jamie O’Neal, ‘You Could Be Happy’ – Snow Patrol and ‘Please Stay’ – Westlife. Some others are ‘My Immortal’ – Evanescence, ‘Everybody Hurts’ – Avril Lavigne.


The “F**k You, You Broke My Heart” Mood.

Now, a couple of these songs might be more “I wish I’d done it to you first” but it makes you feel better so who cares! My personal favourite one for this mood is ‘Break Your Little Heart’ – All Time Low. I also love ‘Screw You’ – Cheryl and ‘Ur So Gay’ – Katy Perry, don’t get me wrong, I’m not supporting the homophobic language used a bit in this song, but I think she means more you act gay but you don’t like boys instead of its a bad thing to be gay. Also, another of Katy’s songs good for this kind of mood is ‘Circle The Drain’ or ‘Wide Awake’.


The “Worst Day Ever, Cheer Me Up!” Mood.

I like nothing better than to come home after the worst day ever and just cry, but sometimes you can’t. You’ve just got too much to do so you have to get over it and move on. Some oldies are usually quite good for this, like The Beatles have a few good ones, for instance ‘Lady Madonna’, ‘Here Comes The Sun’, ‘All You Need Is Love’ and ‘A Hard Day’s Night’. I also love ‘Labelled With Love’ – Squeeze. But for a more modern cheer up, I like to listen to ‘What The Hell’ – Avril Lavigne.


The “Best Day In The World, Nothing Could Bring Me Down” Mood.

This type of music is PERFECT for a girls night in! If you like the old music, 90s tunes or modern dance there is always music for this mood! For starters, I think Disney music can always be good for this. When I was on holiday in Disneyland, Paris I heard a song called ‘Dancin (A Catchy Rhythm)’ – Joey Diggs & Sue Ann Carwell which always puts me in the best mood ever! I love it!


About the writer: Beth is a music enthusiast as in she listens to music all day, everyday. When she’s not raving in her room she’s reading, working, tweeting or hanging out with her friends. Working towards being a film director, music producer or English teacher, Beth is currently studying media and literature along with more diverse subjects.

Fairytales in Fiction

27 Jul

It was announced last year that not one but two movie versions of the Grimm’s classic fairy tale Snow White would be released. One is a light-hearted take from visualist Tarsem Singh and the other was a “grittier” version from debut director Rupert Sanders.

Fast forward and while Singh’s version has been pretty much blasted by critics and viewers alike, SWatH has now assumed the mantel of first in a trilogy with no word yet on how the storyline will progress. Well it gives Kristen Stewart something to do now that Twilight is coming to an end. There are numerous articles proclaiming the death of Hollywood due to the fact that all the industry seems to be churning out at the moment is remakes, “retools”, sequels, “threequels” and spin offs. In theory fairy tales would be the perfect source of ideas for anyone wanting to pop out a quick movie. They are copyright free, fairly simple stories with one-dimensional characters that can be easily moulded to the filmmakers’ requirements. Often the original purposes and implications of these stories are missed. Lets use good old Snow White as an example.

Queen wants a child with very specific features (why hasn’t anyone latched onto a potential designer baby analogy here? Come on Hollywood!) and gets her wish. Then dies. Those delicate women creatures. The King remarries a woman with some serious body image issues and a penchant for creepy magic. The King dies and the Evil Queen is now ruler and Snow White’s guardian. Due to aforementioned body image issues, Evil Queen orders a huntsman to take the girl into the woods and kill her, bringing back her heart as proof. But he can’t BECAUSE SHE IS SO PRETTY! The story is never clear on whether he has issues with murder or just the murder of attractive people. The forest is dark and scary and in fear Snow White flees to the home of seven dwarves who she wins over with her housekeeping skills. Evil Queen quickly works out that she’s been duped and figures if a job is worth doing, its worth doing yourself and begins a series of wacky schemes to off Snow White namely a poisoned comb and a cursed corset. Why she doesn’t just stab the whiny brat is never brought up. Both times the dwarves thwart the Evil Queen plans and never seem to get frustrated the Snow White seems to KEEP ACCEPTING GIFTS FROM SUSPICIOUS WOMEN! There is a lesson for all kids out there. Finally the Evil Queen gives her a poison apple, which seemingly kills her. Because Snow is just so pretty the dwarves place her in a glass coffin so they can always look at her (decomposition is not a factor) and one a day a prince comes riding by. His immediate thought is “I’ll have bit of that” and asks the dwarves if he can take her.

photo from here

Note One: I have not yet mentioned that in the original stories Snow White is about eight years old…

Note Two: The whole kiss was a Disney invention; originally the Prince just fancied having a comatose girl around. At least she was better of than sleeping beauty who was raped and had two children by her Prince “Charming” before she awoke.

When the prince’s people carry the coffin it shakes loose the bit of apple caught in her throat and Snow White awakens. God only knows what the poor girl thought.

Terri Windling has written a really interesting essay about the origins of the Snow White story for the Endicott Studio and the darker elements that she outlines in detail are lacking from either of the recent adaptations.

That is not to say that they are bad films. I adore the work of Tarsem Singh. He has an amazing knack with visuals and Mirror, Mirror is no exception. I will argue with anyone who belittles his worth as a filmmaker but that isn’t to say that I don’t see the faults with his version of the story. Funnily enough it was the same problems I had with SWatH. Don’t these stories deserve a little more?

Arguably it was Red Riding Hood that kicked off the revival of fairy tales as film plots and it cemented the one underlying factor that all these recent adaptations have – they are aimed at a preteen audience. I will hold up my hands and say firmly that this is not a bad thing in and of itself. It is what the powers that be have done with this that bothers me. I spent the whole of SWatH waiting for the film to kick up a gear and finally let loose. It never happened. The studios are blatantly aware that the presence of Stewart for the Twilight crowd and the “dark” undertones for those who hated Mirror, Mirror, would draw a crowd. And crowds mean money and money means sequels. A gear change may very well come with the next film. And that is just insulting.

Amanda Seyfried’s Red Riding Hood was listed as one of the worst film heroines here in an article by Lindy West and her lack of self-reliance is cited as the main reason. This is one of the trickiest things about adapting fairy tales, the characters are archetypes at best which is fine for a short story that can be told in two minutes where the moral is the main focus but to translate this into a two hour film the characters and the plot lines need to be fleshed out. Both recent versions of Snow White expand the backstory of Snow White’s father at the start of the film and in Mirror Mirror it becomes a crucial plot point. Both versions also offer a glimpse of the land suffering under the rule of the wicked Queen who has usurped the throne. In both films these additions serve to make the settings of the film more real so it ceased to be just about the principal characters fates but the fate of the world that rests with the heroine. Because the stakes are higher the audience is invited to invest more emotionally and the moral of the story become more complex. The performances of Julia Roberts and Charlize Theron are the most engaging in the two films and perhaps it is no coincidence that both actresses are playing the wicked Queen. In a way the story is more about her, her obsessions drive the story and she is the one who provides the conflict and the moralistic aspect.

photo from here

In the original, when Snow White’s looks were the focus (older versions have tried to make this politically correct by saying that fair means she has a “fair heart” and general inner goodness) the Queen is an example of what happens when women become obsessed by beauty and youth with the suggestion that once you pass a certain age you can no longer be considered beautiful. Where this falls down in relation to the films is that they have cast possibly the two most attractive, and established, actresses working today who are both over 35. In Mirror Mirror, the for youth obsession is played for comedy and the comparison with aging actresses getting nips and tucks to sustain their careers for the few more years is not hard to miss. Conversely, SWatH goes for the old “power corrupts” angle with Queen Charlize getting her youth and beauty from draining the life force from young women and the very earth itself. What both examples have in common is the condemnation of a woman who places her own beauty over the welfare of the people she is supposed to protect and govern. The moral has evolved from “do not become consumed by your desire for beauty” to “do not over estimate the importance over beauty over what really matters” and this is what makes the Queen the most interesting character in the story. Her drives and motivation are more complex and open to interpretation that that of any other character. They are all reacting to what she does and the films suffer when the protagonists is less interesting and nuanced than the antagonist.

photo from here

It seems that this may be getting through to the filmmakers. Next year sees the release of Maleificent, centred on the villainess of Sleeping Beauty and starring Angelina Jolie in the main role. As with Snow White, the motivations of the villainess give the writer more to play with. Why would she condemn the princess to eternal sleep? Is it merely spite or can this be expanded upon? Here lies the potential for a deeper and more interesting character analysis. Even the 1950s version of the story realised there is not much to work with when the title character spend much of the story asleep, instead choosing to focus on the three fairies (they didn’t make it onto the Disney Princess merchandise line though).

photo from here

While complex and engaging antagonists are an exciting and important feature in film, it counts for nothing if we don’t feel the same way about our heroine. Snow White’s complete inaction and dulled emotion means that not only does the action packed climax of SWatH feels like it totally come out of nowhere but without seeing her develop as a character, it doesn’t feel genuine. On the other hand in Mirror, Mirror we get to see Snow White develop her fighting skills (and wardrobe) but any depth is undercut by cheap gags. It seems that while the short folk tale and even the feature length movie don’t provide enough scope for a character this may be being remedied on television. There are currently two (American) TV series that revolve around fairy tales, Grimm and Once Upon A Time. Snow White is prominent character in the latter and within 22 episodes there is more than enough room to develop her from the passive shrinking violet that needs to be saved. Snow White is an action girl but again that is not the only facet of her character and now that the foundation for a strong protagonist on screen has been laid isn’t it time that other writers and director had a go?

About the writer: Sarah is a filmmaker and writer with an obsession for luscious visuals and a distain for tomatoes (they are a sneaky and untrustworthy foodstuff). If she’s not blogging, she’ll be watching films or running around with her video camera.

Street Style

25 Jul


A section for fashion and inspiration! We scour the streets looking for the most unique, stylish and fashionable individuals we can and then ask them where they buy their clothes so we steal them!

Check out this week’s local fashionistas from a street near you!

Name: Sarah Abdullah
Age: 22
From: Cwmbran
Where did you get your outfit from? Jacket was from Primark for £19, as was the bag (£8). Dress was from a store called Storm in Cardiff, not sure how much. Shoes were £20 from New Look.

Where are you wearing this? Work
What’s your favourite shop? New Look
Who is your style icon? Kim Kardashian


Name: Tom Stocks
Age: 19
From: Manchester
Where did you get your outfit from? Top was designed and made by myself. Dungarees were from a vintage shop in Manchester for £30 and the trainers were from Burtons for £26.

Where are you wearing this? Drama rehearsals
What’s your favourite shop? Pop Boutique
Who is your style icon? Zooey Deschanel because she’s hot!


Name: Lori David
Age: 18
From: Newport
Where did you get your outfit from? Top was a gift, Skirt was from eBay, £12. Boots were a gift from Topshop and the jacket is my Dad’s!
Where are you wearing this? Shopping
What’s your favourite shop? Urban Outfitters
Who is your style icon? Rita Ora


Name: Ellie
Age: 19
From: Cardiff
Where did you get your outfit from? Jacket is from Wallis, £60. Top is from River Island, £12. Shorts are from Urban Outfitters, £20. Boots and bag are from Primark, not I can’t remember how much they were!
Where are you wearing this? Shopping
Who is your style icon? Rihanna


Name: Isabel Stead
Age: 19
From: Newport
Where did you get your outfit from? Jacket is from a charity shop, £1. Top was also £1 from Primark. Shorts are from River Island, £12. Boots are form TK Maxx, not sure how much. Bag is from a charity shop, £2.50
What is your favourite shop? St Davids Foundation
Where are you wearing this? To a friend’s house
Who is your style icon? Diane Kruger

About the writer:
Alex is a drama graduate and self taught photographer. She started out by photographing her friends unique style and was soon approached by others wanting to be shot by her. She has recently been offered representation and has been listed as a photographer for Vogue Italia. You can find her on twitter, facebook and her website.

Stress Less

23 Jul

Stressful Times

Stressful Times [photo from here]

Everyone gets stressed, it’s a part of life but when does it become too much? When does that hair tearing, nail biting become too hard to cope with? Exams, friends, relationships are all causes of stress and it can affect any age, height, weight or gender. Why does it affect some more than others however? Why is it that some can waltz through life without a care in the world whereas others crumble at the slightest hint of a problem?
Some argue that it is in our genes, if our parents are worriers than we will be too. Others say that it’s our surroundings and past which will inevitably cause us to stress out more so than our relaxed counterparts. Regardless of the reasons, it is a fact that stress is one of the biggest causes for depression, breakdowns and even suicide. It is an issue not researched enough, and as these are diagnosed as mental problems then a lot of the public don’t like to talk about them. The phrases used so often in everyday life, ‘I’m so stressed’, ‘the stress is doing my head in’ causes people to not realise the serious problems that can result from stress.
Debates over anti-depressants have also been made. For people suffering from depression, medication may seem their only route out. People have argued that it’s too easy to get which may be true but what if people really need it just to make their lives easier? What is the problem if people depend upon it if it does help them get through life? Yes they are then becoming reliant on a tablet but so may be women on the contraceptive pill etc. However some do not want to have to rely on a tablet. One of the reasons may be that if they forget to take it, it can make your mood change irratically. Although some argue that they do not want to be defined by medication, be that public thoughts on antidepressants or actually having to take a tablet to control themselves every day. It can however be said that people suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or depression etc. suffer from a lack of chemicals in their brain, this could then just be a way of fixing said problem and not something to be ashamed of. Some although say that the tablet is too easy and quick to be prescribed, but is there a problem if any Tom, Dick or Harry feel or are given medication that helps them in the long haul?
Now some may think that this article is a bit OTT, after all a little bit of stress over exams never hurt anyone. But for those thousands that stress affects in a big way, this is for them and everyone else who do not realise the seriousness of what can happen if stress takes over. Whether you are struggling with relationship stress, exams or something more serious, there are little ways in which you can help yourself:
– Always drink plenty of water – I know it doesn’t seem like a big thing but it helps you feel refreshed and replenished
– Try not to drink as much alcohol – Don’t stop going out with friends as that could actually stress you out even more but slow down on the alcohol as things can feel more extreme, you could do something you’ll regret and remember that alcohol is an anti-depressant and can also make you feel like rubbish the next day as well as at the time
– Get enough sleep – Treat yourself to that lie in and let your body wake itself up
– Talk to people – whether its friends, family or your GP, make sure you get your problems off your chest
– Keep a diary – if it helps write all your feelings down
– Listen to music – whatever mood you are in there is a song for it, when I was down recently, I listened to a lot of sad music, be careful not to let yourself stay down there though. Try our music section for some nice, happy, uplifting music to cheer you up (Mika always has fun songs to dance to!)
– Learn a hobby and hang out with friends – take your mind off it and chill out but remember if it is exam revision then you still have to do it!
– Let yourself cry – it helps to get rid of all the pent up emotion, after that though , try and cheer yourself up by the above
And remember, if none of this works DO NOT be ashamed to go and talk to your doctor, even seeing a counsellor or a psychiatrist is nothing to be embarrassed about, if you need to talk to someone who can help you who knows what they are talking about then just go and talk with your local GP and they can help you to sort through your problems

About the writer:

Becky has just finished a degree in English and Creative Writing and is very happy with her 2:1. She is friendly bubbly and just so happens to be the co-creator of Yellow Bunting. She hopes you enjoy it and that you get involved!